Wednesday, August 03, 2005

What to do, what to do...

So here's the dilema...I have always been told not to get a dog. "It's so much work, too much responsibility, too much money, get it from the you even have time to spend with the dog?"

Yea, yea...I heard it all. But look at that face...

Can you seriously deny it of it's natural rights to have such a kind, caring (cute and smart might I add) owner? I think not!

I've been wanting a puppy for as long as I can remember...

I figure, since my dad retired, he needs a companion...and since I am allowed to bring dogs to work, I need a companion.

Only problem is, where to get these guys that are healthy, small, cute, and from a trusted breeder. I hear all these horror stories from buyers that bought from puppy mills and the puppies get sick and die easily. All that research and reading about this just gives me a headache. I then close my browser and watch tv. ahahahahhahah

Will the puppy god tell me where to get a nice, well tempered, cute, and healthy puppy please?

Thank you.


cindy said...

I saw tons of posts on Craigslist a few months ago, all from breeders. *so cute*

Patrick said...

dogs are evil!

Andrew said...

wtf! you can bring dogs to work! horsecrap!