Friday, April 28, 2006

Wow...What is up with all that Fuss!?

So after everyone ranting and raving about this book, and now that the pressure is on that the movie is coming out...I finally decided that I would crack open this book and see what the fuss is all about. I decided I will read at lunch since I have fewer lunch buddies these days :( poor meeee...

This is better than a movie. I love historical stories, references, and connections. This book brings it together with suspense! I could hardly put this book down. The last time I was this hooked I read Les Miserables...
On the other hand, I'm not sure if making a movie out of The Dav Vinci Code will be a great idea. Movies usually don't do the book any justice. (I was totally disapointed with Les Miserables the musical after reading the book, what a rip off).

Gosh, so if you haven't read this, READ IT (it may spoil the movie for you though ahahhaha). If you choose not to just play the game and win cool prizes....ahahahhaha
Play the Da Vinci Code Game by Google

I better get goin...I need to hurry and finish this book before the movie opens!?! Yikes...

1 comment:

Rico said...

could I get it on books on tape?